Coyote Trail Sign

  • Location
    Calabasas, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

Many students at CHS used a derogatory name for the trail that connects the parking lot to the main campus. This is the same trail that CHS Roots & Shoots had beautified by installing drip irrigation and planting native flora.

Our Plan

We are going to be installing a sign on the trail, naming it "The Coyote Trail." This will hopefully lead to a long-term behavior change, as students will pick up the new name.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

The project went super well. The sign was installed, and it looks great!

Through this project I/we learned:

We learned that we can create the change we want to see at our school.

What I/we might change:

If we did this project again, we might build the sign out of metal to make it more durable.

My/our favorite part of this project was:

Our favorite part of the project was seeing it installed on campus.

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

One tip is to reach out to your school or school district to install a sign. They love these types of projects that create a positive behavior change, so they may even pay for it!

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We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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