The Problem
The shoreline of Lake Cayuga is full of litter. Since its a popular tourist spot, visitors throw trash and litter the place , most of which gets into the water, polluting it and endangering marine life.
The shoreline of Lake Cayuga is full of litter. Since its a popular tourist spot, visitors throw trash and litter the place , most of which gets into the water, polluting it and endangering marine life.
The actions we are planning are: (1) conduct a webinar engaging community youth to raise awareness about this issue (2) Organise a shoreline cleanup, document the types of trash and engage visitors to stop littering The project will engage diverse racial groups to make it an inclusive activity that protects the environment
We were successful in our objective of engaging young people and also the community in raising awareness about the negative impacts of pollution on our environment and biodiversity
The power of community, especially young people, in driving behavioral change
the timing of the activity and instead of morning , do it in the evening when its cooler.
Tabulating the various types of trash and the wide-eyed exclamations from the participants at how it managed to reach the shoreline
Planning is the key to success. One needs to be very tenacious to convince people to join your project.