Comparative Anatomy and Ecology

  • Location
    Waukesha, Wisconsin
  • Status

The Problem

Students will chose an animal, research its anatomy and compare it to humans. They will then apply how these specific adaptations allow it to fill its niche or role in its ecosystem and how understanding this could allow for better conservation methods or strategies for their chosen animal.

Our Plan

This project will be directed towards people who do not have a science background to get them interested in learning about an endangered species, its anatomy, and how to better conserve the species so its niche is maintained. The students will create a trifold board profiling key differences between that animal and humans. They will then discuss how those differences allow it to survive in its environment and fill its niche (predator for example). This trifold will be presented to their classmates and to others in the school community who do not have a background in science or in the fields of Anatomy or Ecology.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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