Community Recycling Data

  • Location
    Lawndale, California
  • Status

The Problem

Green Ambassadors students at all 3 Environmental Charter Schools have been researching waste and becoming waste ambassadors for their schools. The high school students worked with OTIS College to create an interactive recycling bin called Basket Bottle, which they will be building with the middle schoolers this spring. Students weigh the landfill, beverage containers, paper and compost 2x/week and record it onto a spreadsheet. They will do this for a total of 12 months. The next step in the process is for the Green Ambassadors Interns at Environmental Charter High School to create a map of local municipal agencies and recycling centers in Lawndale, Inglewood and Gardena to compare ECS's data to community baseline recycling collections data. Students will host a student-led event for their peers, families and community on April 21 called Footprints exploring our carbon footprint through presentations and poetry. The goal is to divert 90% of our waste from the landfill through this 18 month project.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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