CommUnity Art’s Need For Seed Garden

  • Location
    Fort Collins, Colorado
  • Status

The Problem

We recently completed our Need for Seed Garden and need a couple things to maintain and add for informational reasons. In order to water the garden, we would like a couple nice durable hoses to make it a bit more convenient to get the plants a drink and a collection of gardening tools to keep the weeds at bay. We would like to purchase a nice waterproof sign as well, to make our friends, family and our community aware of the purpose, our efforts towards the well-being our garden to provide for a greater cause, as they walk through our school yard.

Our Plan

My art service learning group at Poudre Community Academy partnered with Wildlands Restoration and Bohemian Foundation's GiveNext program to provide a creative outlet to people of all ages that promotes the arts and create a "Need for Seed Garden" in our school yard for us to build, design, grow and give. The purpose of the garden is to help supply Wildlands Restoration with our seeds from Colorado native drought resistance plants to help re-seed area lands destroyed by flooding and wild fires.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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