Clean up and Let’s Fish

  • Location
    Evergreen, Alabama
  • Status

The Problem

This project will focus on a clean-up area for a county's public lake. A group of volunteers will clean up the surrounding lake and promote a fishing rodeo that will allow a group of children to learn the rules and regulations of fishing, good stewardship practices, habitat protection and catch and release tools and techniques.

Our Plan

A group of volunteers will clean up the county's lake by picking up trash in water and surrounding lands. To promote the love of the land and fishing, there will be a fishing rodeo. This fishing rodeo will teach of group of youth to "connect" with nature by teaching them to become future stewards and about the importance of clean and a healthy environment. Youth will be taught the rules and regulations of fishing, good stewardship practices, habitat protection and catch and release tools and techniques.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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