Chimps: Jane Goodall’s Magical Mystery Tour (A Musical)

  • Location
    Oxford, Ohio
  • Status

The Problem

My hope for this project (a short musical co-written by my teenage self and my mother, performed by a summer theatre camp for grades 4th-7th I founded and directed as a high school student) is that it might find a performance life outside of Oxford, Ohio. Possibly entertaining and educating children around the globe. I'm very proud of the piece, which was inspired by my mother's fascination with Jane's life and work. After learning of Jane (herself's) interest in the project, I was further enthusiastic about its potential to share her story. My mother passed away a few years ago and I'm sure she would so tickled to see this piece revived.

Our Plan

In the first phase of the project (circa 2003), Chimps the musical was performed by 25 4th-7th grade drama campers in the uptown parks of Oxford, Ohio as part of a week-long camp. My hope is the second phase will involve other Roots and Shoots groups taking the libretto (script and song lyrics) along with the demo tracks, and producing their own productions around the world.

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