Chimpanzee Enrichment necklaces ’15

  • Location
    Forest Grove, Oregon
  • Status

The Problem

Every year we look forward to making these edible necklaces for the chimpanzees at the Chimps, Inc sanctuary in Bend, Oregon. We hope to increase our awareness of the problems with wild animals being used by the entertainment industry, drug companies, and being raised in people's homes. It feels good to bring some joy into these chimps lives.

Our Plan

Every year we make enrichment toys for chimpanzees at Chimp, Inc., a local chimp sanctuary located in Bend, OR. The best received "toy" is our edible necklaces. These are made of a wide variety of dried fruit and cheerios that we string on yarn to make necklaces. This year we made about 50 yummy necklaces. This year, we received photos and a video of the chimps receiving and enjoying our gifts. It was wonderful to see how much they enjoy them. Each chimps personality came through- some of them ate only fruit, some only cheerios, some of them hoarded handfuls, and others carefully wore them and nibbled over time. It feels great to do something for these wonderful members of the animal world.

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