CHB – Promoting Bike Use to Improve Air Quality

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

To improve air quality through increased biking, walking, scooting, and/or skating.

Our Plan

Each month we engage our school community in conversation about air quality by posting a related question. Students can enter their estimate/answer for a chance to win a small gift card to a local bike store. Roots and Shoots members announce each month's question and answer during morning school announcements. By holding this contest we are hoping to get kids thinking about what they can do to improve air quality. We are holding various fundraisers to purchase additional bike racks for our school and town to promote bike usage. We are hosting a bike riding event in our town to teach people how to ride a bike safely. We hope this will get more people in our community riding bikes.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Air Pollution

The Benefit

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