Change-Makers Protect Pollinators

  • Location
    Fullerton, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    11 to 13 Years

The Problem

The problem addressed is helping pollinators in our community. By allowing students in my Environmental Science class (ages 11-14) to discuss how best to tackle the problem, develop a solution, and educate others based on what they have learned, they will not only help pollinators, but also learn about native species, and contribute to local biodiversity, they learn the 4 step formula and gain confidence to use what they have learned in future projects.

Our Plan

Students will learn about local pollinators, which plants support them (either in their larval or adult stages if focusing on insect pollinators), and design a plan to share what they have learned with their families and community. Once they select a plant species, they will grow the plants from seed, provide pollinator plants to the community, create a seed library where seeds can be donated and used, and hopefully spark interest in future projects.

Themes Addressed

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    Biodiversity Loss
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    Community Enhancement
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    Project Ideas

The Benefit

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