Carolina Chickadee Birdhouses

  • Location
    Wilmington, North Carolina
  • Status

The Problem

At Noble Middle School, although we have trees and bushes that surround our school campus, we are situated in the midst of a very busy business section of the city. As a class, we wanted to provide a habitat for wildlife, so we voted on a project that we could do to address this need. After doing some research, we determined that the Carolina Chickadee would be our focus. We wanted to create a habitat for the birds by creating birdhouses, provide food to attract them, and signs to educate others at our school about the Carolina Chickadee. We also are making signs that we will post around the birdhouses to teach others about the work of the Jane Goodall Institute's Roots & Shoots clubs.

Our Plan

We started by voting on a project to do. Once we selected birdhouses to make, we had to do research on the type of birds we wanted to create a habitat for with our project. After research, we selected the Carolina Chickadee. We also researched the kind of houses the Carolina Chickadee likes and printed out blueprints of the design. Next, we went outside to scout locations and found 4 places near the trees and bushes. We dug holes for the posts and continued to take pictures and videos of our ongoing project. Using pre-cut lumber, we assembled the birdhouses and painted them. We are currently researching fun facts about chickadees and Roots and Shoots to create our educational signs.

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