Caring for our Community Garden

  • Location
    Bogart, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

Our school is attempting to become STEAM certified and we have a common goal in mind: sustainability. It is our wish that the students learn how to contribute and learn the process of composting. Throughout the process the students will be able to invest in their community by supplying food to those in need.

Our Plan

We would like to build four compost bins (one per third grade class). We want to create healthy soil by collecting biodegradable foods from our lunchroom. There will be a garden for our school, and we are in charge of fertilizing the soil with the material from our compost. The students will design and manage the composting bins, and then collect data on the aggregate weekly weight of materials.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Food Choices
  • term icon

The Benefit

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