Care Relief Package

  • Location
    Detroit, Michigan
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

Being raised in a community where the poverty rate is higher than the employment rate, I learned how much need there is in my community. Many students in the community I live in qualify for Free Reduced Lunch. Many work seven to eight hours in addition to the school in order to fulfill their family’s needs. Stress and anxiety are present on their face the moment these students arrive at school. The project that I want to start is a care relief package. Students from minority school districts including my own school will only participate and benefit from this project. This project will occur every once in a month. The goal of the care relief package is to provide students with supplies including healthy snacks, stress balls, canned foods, homework help hotline, and a personalized letter to boost their self-esteem.

Our Plan

The goal of this project is to reach and help as many students as possible. Each month, my team and I will be sending out flyers and emails to school districts that have a large number of minority, low-income students. Students will fill out a google form where they will complete a personal information section(e.g. name, house address, school name, grade level, and subject they are struggling in), and supplies they need from the list. The minimum number of students that we hope to reach in each month is forty. I and my team members will pack supplies and ship them to the address that was provided in the form.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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