The Problem
The Daggett Montessori Green Team's mission is to ensure our school is a green, sustainable school and teaching students and the community about sustainable practices. By establishing a campus composting program, we hope to educate the entire school, including parents and the community, on the science behind and benefits of composting.
Our Plan
Cowboy Compost, a private composting company, will run a compost pilot program for 2-3 weeks and then provide a report providing total waste diverted by the school and some insight as to what is found in the waste to show how well the children understand waste separation. The school will be taught about the science of composting and how to separate waste properly in the cafeteria. Cowboy Compost will pick up bins on a regular basis and take the waste to a large composting facility where it is sorted and then composted. Cowboy Compost will return compost to the school for use in our native and vegetable gardens. After a successful pilot program, we hope to start the program full time next school year.