Calvary MBC Community Center

  • Location
    Kansas City, Kansas
  • Status

The Problem

We plan to start a community center which will house multi-purpose rooms for classes, meetings, and training programs. This center will be open to people of all ages. We will provide free before and after school services for children. We want to start a childcare center for the low-income families in the area, and an adult daycare as well for qualified Medicaid recipients. Our area of Kansas City, Kansas is very high and poverty and low in resources. We want to be a light for the community and a resource when needed. Our goal is for our community center to bring a sense of pride, belonging, and fellowship into the urban core of Kansas City, Kansas, while still promoting education, health, and fitness.

Our Plan

Our first order of business is to secure the funds to renovate our current church building so we can make it more handicap accessible. From there, we plan to renovate our adjoining building, the Parish House, that will serve as the Daycare center. We would like to start with volunteers, and as the program grows hire employees to keep the center running. This will also create jobs in the community. We are currently seeking grant funds that can help us because there is a great need in this area.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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