Butterfly Way Station

  • Location
    Thousand Oaks, California
  • Status

The Problem

Last year, my class wanted to bring to our school community's attention that supporting a healthy Monarch population was vital to the success of the native plants, animals, and people in our community. This year's class wants to expand their outreach to embrace more species of butterflies as well as further develop the garden as a "teaching garden." They hope to partner with their first grade study buddy room to teach them about the importance of butterflies (pollinators) and to help them plant native species grown from seeds to take home and create their own butterfly sanctuaries there.

Our Plan

This year, we will be taking a trip to the Hansen's Agricultural Center to visit with their experts to see what they are doing to attract pollinators. After this trip, we will be 1) researching and planting other types of native plant species in our class garden to not only continue to attract Monarch butterflies, but other types of butterflies; 2) teaching our first grade study buddies about plant and butterfly life cycles and planting with them seeds to nurture into seedlings to take home and plant; and 3) creating new information placards to display in our garden so that all students, staff, and parents who pass by our garden daily will learn about our garden - why it is important, what is happening in it, how it is changing to meet the needs of a variety of butterflies, and what they can do in their own home gardens to expand our care towards butterflies.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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