Butterfly and Bird Sanctuary

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status

The Problem

We are hoping, in our Friday after school club, to create a butterfly and bird sanctuary in the garden with a relaxation/peace area. This would be a space to welcome our wildlife friends into the garden as well as be an area of quiet reflection and meditation for students and teachers/staff to go during the school day as well as after school and any other time the garden is open!

Our Plan

We will plant many butterfly and bird-friendly plants (mostly flowers and hopefully some that attract our native monarchs!) and create a sitting area as well as artwork and a peace pole showing the community that this is a quiet area for personal reflection. Many birds visit our garden when it is just me but when students (who can make a little more noise come) many of the birds and butterflies leave so we are hoping to have the back park be a silent area that will attract birds and butterflies all throuhgt the day.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Peace & Safety
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The Benefit

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