Buidling Raised Bed Edible Garden for Girl’s Inc.

  • Location
    St. Petersburg, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

To have Roots and Shoots work with Girl's Inc. on building a raised bed edible garden that will supply Girl's Inc. with healthy options for meals.

Our Plan

We will build the raised bed and prep the garden with compost materials, soil and manure. The girls and children in Roots and Shoots will plant seedlings for the gardens that they will care for in their own homes. We will dissect seeds and make observations under a dissecting scope. They will journal the various stages of the seed as it grows into an edible plant. Once the plants are mature enough we will add them to the garden where the children can continue to make observations and journal. Once the plants become well established we will offer lessons on making herbal teas and cooking with herbs and vegetables from the garden.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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