Bow-Bow Ties

  • Location
    Bothell, Washington
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years

The Problem

Approximately 6.6 million companion animals enter US animal shelters nationwide every year. But only 4 millions (approx.) are only adopted each year, leaving over 2 millions not adopted.

Our Plan

Bow-Bow Ties is a project that is turning into a business. I make bow ties for dogs and cats in the shelter so they look cuter and have a better chance to get adopted. I also sell these bows so that I can raise funds for shelters. The shelters can use the money in feeding and providing training to the animals so that they have better chance to get adopted. Since starting in 2021, I was able to raise over $2500 and helped six different animal shelters.

Themes Addressed

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    Animal Welfare
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    Homeless Animals
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    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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