Bottled Water Project

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status

The Problem

Water is a precious resource essential for survival. plastics used to transport water have been identified as a non-biodegradable and harmful to the environment. Thus, the wish for this project is of a triple fold. First, it is to help students learn from the process to be aware of conserving water. Second, to see students commit themselves to use a reusable containers. Third, see themselves take personal responsibility to develop flyers and propagate the stewardship behavior among peers and other community members.

Our Plan

It will take two months. (1) Students will discuss, conduct research about, and view related videos on bottled water. (2) In chemistry labs, students will test water samples from school fountains, bottled water, and tap water from respective homes for water quality and taste. (3) The findings (data) will be used to collectively determine the action plan to carry on by the stewards.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
  • term icon

The Benefit

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