Board Games to Eliminate Bored Days and Illiteracy

  • Location
    Redwood City, California
  • Status

The Problem

We would like to collect over 200 used board games from the community to have a family board game day to promote early literacy skills. We want to attract more than 300 people to encourage family "unplugged time" and also promote good social and literacy skills. We will then donate these board games to area battered family shelters to give them time to connect and overcome challenging times.

Our Plan

We will put on a community board game day to promote family interactions which will develop early literacy and social skills. We will also collect board games to be donated to local shelters to encourage these skills and social interaction during times of need. We will be successful if we attract at least 300 people to the community board game play event and collect over 50 board games to give to the homeless shelters.

Themes Addressed

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    Peace & Safety
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The Benefit

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