Blogs, Vlogs, and Podcasts, Oh My!

  • Location
    Chatsworth, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

The goal is to obtain necessary digital literacy materials for a recording studio to allow students to create cross-curricular podcasts, vlogs, and blogs in order to give the students a greater voice in today's global economy. The money from this grant will be used to help soundproof our middle school's recording studio. The recording studio will be used in cross curricular writing projects (with science and social studies). The topics will include the importance of reducing waste and reusing/recycling materials, human community and human condition (through the topic of the Holocaust and various other historical conflicts), and the importance of various species of wildlife (in different geographical locations).

Our Plan

Goal is to increase writing across the content area by introducing digital literacy activities. Each activity will follow the same general procedure. 1. Students will be introduced to a concept. Activity will take approximately 2 days. (Example for math: integers) 2. Students will practice and analyze concept. Activity will take approximately 3 days. (Example: hands-on activity) 3. Students will research and write about the concept. Activity will take approximately 5 days. (Example: research and write about math based careers) 4. Students will produce a podcast, vlog, or blog as a culminating assessment of understanding. Activity will take approximately 2 weeks. (Example: Vlog on real world use of integers)

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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