Bird Garden

  • Location
    New milford, New Jersey
  • Status
  • Age Level
    11 to 13 Years

The Problem

For individuals with learning disabilities, ADHD and autism, art offers the opportunity for self-expression and a way to communicate their thoughts and feelings to others. Completing art activities allows individuals to reinforce executive function and problem solving skills, which also builds a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-confidence. Art provides learners with activities that help to strengthen fine motor skills and apply these skills in age appropriate, functional tasks. Educators and researchers have noted the benefits of participating in hands-on learning activities such as creating a garden.

Our Plan

The functional learning opportunities available through a school garden help to improve social skills and adaptive school behaviors and achievement, positive impact on student achievement, increase respect for nature and the environment, and potential increase of consumption of fruit and vegetables. A school garden gives children the opportunity to learn where their food comes from, how it grows, and that a healthy diet begins with fruits and vegetables. Expanding learning environments to locations outside of the classroom, helps to generalize skills across locations and supports diversity, equity and inclusion by demonstrating to students the scope of their school community. Presenting the garden opportunity during the Peer:Peer Art class, allows the general education students to act as peer models to the students in the self-contained classroom, an added benefit to all students in the classroom. Activities include: building bird houses, bird house/bird feeder maintenance, building outdoor planters, seed germination and transplanting seeds to outdoor gardens, using flowers and produce from garden as materials in art activities.

Themes Addressed

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    Social-Emotional Learning

The Benefit

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