Birchcrest Project

  • Location
    Omaha, Nevada
  • Status
  • Age Level
    5 to 7 Years
    8 to 10 Years

The Problem

Food insecurity

Our Plan

Using STEM to grow food for the community at this school site.

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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    Community Enhancement
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    Food Insecurity
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The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

We had some issues due to school classes being closed for 14 days because of Covid. Luckly we had so many involved that we just rearrange things.

Through this project I/we learned:

During the project we really learned how the supply chain issues could stop or cause issues in the project In December we ordered a 3D printer so that youth can engineer the parts if it is just plastic. The side bonus is that the youth is learnin g ToyBox application, Tinkercad, and Autocad to develop the parts.

What I/we might change:

We work on this every year. This next year is to develop a part system so we are not tied to waiting on Amazon orders or Lowes. We even went through the lumber storage with Greene Fence to deliver the wood for the raise beds for LeMay site.

My/our favorite part of this project was:

Not only is Birchcrest site operational serving 350 youth but we are building LeMay site to add another 360 youth. If Millard Public Schools develop another site we will be at 1,800 youth in Omaha involved. More food is coming year round for the shelters from these sites.

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

We have great parts like yourself adding to our success. We share our community make with others.

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