Bee Sanctuaries and Education on Bee Conservation

  • Location
    Leesburg, Georgia
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

Our wish is to continue to educate others on bee conservation and the importance of solitary bees.

Our Plan

Building on last years successful project, we will be recruiting more students to be involved in helping to educate people on bee conservation and the importance of solitary bees. We will also be meeting with homeowners, and at least one college campus to educate their horticulture students and help them create bee sanctuaries at their own homes and knowledge to use in their careers. Seraphina has also already been asked to be a guest lecturer at South GA technical college and a high school in Marion County. After some delay with the pandemic, we’ve continued to do smaller pollinator projects and this year we are back in full force.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

We had fun teaching people about the native plants they can use in their yard to promote pollinator nutrition and habitats along with teaching them about the necessity of having bees in the world and addressing any fears they had about sharing space with bees. The horticulture students were excited to learn about bees and even the students that initially showed fear around bees got over those fears to participate in releasing mason bees into the area. Many of those students also made notes and vowed to take the information we gave them into consideration when working as landscapers in the near future.

Through this project I/we learned:

Through this version of the pollinator paradise project we learned to not limit our presentations to only children and homeowners because teaching horticulture students who will soon graduate and begin working with plant life as their career has the potential to make an even larger impact on the world and the environment in the future.

What I/we might change:

I think next time we will do more on social media in advance to promote our project so more people can sign up to have us come to their home. We also are invited to visit at least one Girl Scout troupe next year.

My/our favorite part of this project was:

We enjoyed meeting new people and teaching them things they didn't know about pollinators.

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

There are companies that allow you to order bees native to your area to release in your pollinator paradise!

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