Beautifying the Space

  • Location
    Ashtabula, Ohio
  • Status

The Problem

My wish for this project is to turn the underutilized court yard outside the school I work in into a beautiful, more useful, work space for the fourth through sixth graders of the building. We would be planting flowers, building benches and work spaces out of recycled goods, and creating a space that would be in remembrance of our recently past principal. The students of the building would work along side the staff to plant, create, and care for the space. I wish for this space to be a place where students can feel accountable for something they created and be proud of the work they are doing to help beautify the space as well as remember a valued principal.

Our Plan

My project will be a chance for students to learn more about the plants and the environment. They will be able to have a sense in pride in something that they are getting to create, take care of, and use. The staff and students will be responsible for planting flowers, trees, and shrubs along with researching and learning how to build eco-friendly benches from recycled goods. As a school community, we will turn the underutilized space into a beautiful place to remember a great person and get hands on experiences with nature!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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