Beautifying the AHS Garden

  • Location
    Andover, Massachusetts
  • Status

The Problem

We are privileged enough to have a beautiful and sustainable garden in the middle of our high school. However, the majority of students don't know it's there, and if they do, they don't like to spend time in it. The reason for this is that it's not the most aesthetically pleasing garden. Therefore, We will be beautifying our school garden to encourage students and teachers to spend more time outside and take advantage of the open space available to them at the school. Through murals, painted rocks, and decorated benches/ picnic tables, we will make the space more attractive to the school population.

Our Plan

We will gather art supplies (paints, brushes, etc.) to paint murals, rocks, decorate benches, and overall make the garden a more pleasing space for students to spend their time. We will then make it known through posters, the school news, etc. that the improved garden is available for students to spend their time in.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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