Beautifying and Maintaining the School Campus

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

My wish for this project is to have tools necessary to provide proper care for the plants we already do have in campus. As we continue work on our community mapping, and if we find that we don't have a lot of native plants in our campus, I also wish more native plants that we can plant within the campus. Plants that can attract more animals (i.e. butterflies) would also be nice.

Our Plan

The project will improve the care for the plants within the school, perhaps increase the number of native plants and attract animals. Each class will adopt a particular area of campus to focus on in their care. The students will research the types of plants there are and what kind of care they need. The students will then care for the plants.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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