Bears Recycle

  • Location
    Orlando, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

Bears recycle will help make the school and community a cleaner place to live. Our hope is to build life long habits that will foster and inspire teens to branch out into the world seeking new and innovative ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. We want to let our community know that we are prepared teens ready to improve the world for our generation and generations to come. We want to leave the world a better place than what we entered into.

Our Plan

Our project will be able to provide recycle bins in throughout our school campus and sporting events on campus. We will provide literature and posters reminding and informing students, parents and the community in general ways to recycle and the importance behind living in a eco friendly environment. We hope to begin with recycle bins in classroom and acquire community assistance in increasing bins throughout campus and in neighboring recreational centers. Our Green Team will continue to meet and advocate at school functions and rallies.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

About Roots & Shoots

We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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