Band of the Strong Wilderness Explorers – An Exploration of Grief in the Natural World

  • Location
    Omaha, Nebraska
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

Band of the Strong has created a series of programs for youth ages 10 - 18 who have lost someone significant and are experiencing grief. The experience of loss is one that can be understood and conceptualized through the creation of outdoor programs that focus on the healing aspects of nature and stewardship practices that allow young people to form a bond with the natural world as they search for sense and meaning.

Our Plan

The programs we have created provide young people opportunities to experience the outdoors as both place of reflection and a place of new adventure and joy. In the program young people will get opportunities to immerse themselves in the natural world and reflect on the most pressing emotional challenges in their lives. Additionally, you people will get an opportunity to learn how to fish, do it responsibly, and in a way that honors the natural world we live in. Finally the young people will get an opportunity to spend a night at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo. During the event, young people will get a tour of the zoo, get to learn about what the zoo does in the context of conservation, and then get an opportunity to create art that is inspired by the ocean during our overnight stay in the Scott Aquarium.

Themes Addressed

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    Reasons for Hope

The Benefit

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