Avoid The Peril of A Single Story: Share Yours

  • Location
    Miami, Florida
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age
  • Group Type

The Problem

The danger of a single story is that it creates preconceptions that are incomplete, or inaccurate. One story limits the narrative, creates biases, and narrows our view of the world around us. Avoid the peril of a single story: Walk in someone else's shoes by listening to their story. And share the unique details of your story.

Our Plan

1. Watch: The Danger of A Single Story @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4a7oQ5vwP4/ 2. Share Your Story on PBS American Portrait @ https://www.pbs.org/american-portrait/create 3. Educators: Have Your Students Write Their Essay Introducing Themselves Differently This Year: "Breaking The Mold--The Five Things You Didn 't Expect to Hear About My Background, My Culture, My Story "

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

The project was shared with a youth group and went well: there was alot of creativity in what everyone decided to share regarding their culture: the only rules being :1) make it something that will teach others about your culture, and 2) make it something that others would not expect.

Through this project I/we learned:

to walk in someone else's footsteps.

What I/we might change:

the age group; it would be great to get the perspective of the older generation.

My/our favorite part of this project was:

Learning something new about another culture that we never expected.

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

Keep an open mind in life: about each other, and about the possibilities for the future.

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