Astrology Night

  • Location
    Cashton, Wisconsin
  • Status

The Problem

The wish for the project was to get students and community members to see the stars and different planets. We were lucky to have the LaCrosse Area Astrology group come to a field close to Cashton and set up multiple telescopes pointed at key planets or constellations.

Our Plan

Out project will allow people who would normally not be able to see in great detail different stars or constellations have that opportunity. We will do this by having a few ipass with an app that shows the different constellations and where they are located in the sky. We will also have the Lacrosse Area Astrology group come and talk about the telescopes and teach people the basics of how to operate a telescope.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Air Pollution
  • term icon
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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