Ashé Indie Festival 2016: Tallahassee Edition

  • Location
    Tallahassee, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

Our vision for the Ashé Indie Festival is that care and celebration of the Earth will be reunited with our culture, through music, dance, art and fun activities! Love, respect and sustainability for the environment will be instilled in children and everyone from the ages of 1-100!

Our Plan

The Ashé Indie Festival will merge music, art and Earth in a two-day community festival. Taking place on Earth Day weekend, this celebration will feature over 50 live indie artists, art installations, performances, healthy food, and sustainability demonstrations along with the live planting of a garden. Our partners, including the FAMU Cooperative Extension, FAMU Student Community Garden and iGrow, will lead the planting initiative along with volunteers to maximize the collaboration of this community garden in the South side! A portion of the funds raised at this event and as well as the crops, once they have matured, will go to benefit non profit community gardens and families in underrepresented areas of Tallahassee!

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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    Food Choices

The Benefit

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