Are Bats Important to mama earth?

  • Location
    Huntington Beach, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    5 to 7 Years

The Problem

My son checked out a children\'s book from the library about a girl learning about bats and how important and misunderstood they are and how she helped to create a preserve and plant habitat for them. In our community there is a lot of concrete, and most parks and yards are mowed lawns therefore theres very little habitat for bats. There\'s also a lot of fear and misconceptions around bats. We have a lot of palm trees and less shade trees and the palm tree fronds that do create a habitat possible for bats get regularly cleaned and fronds removed which often kills bats and leaves them homeless.

Our Plan

My son (with my help) will organize and event at a local native park restoration to build a bat box and plant native plants to create a habitat for the bats. We will engage two local charter elementary schools to help build the bat box and plant the bat habitat at Irby Park. My son will create an educational table to educate kids about bats, and the proper time of year to remove palm fronds, as well as an interactive game to bust myths that give them a bad reputation and cause them harm.

Themes Addressed

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    Animal Welfare
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    Biodiversity Loss
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    Habitat Destruction
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The Benefit

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