The Problem
Rewilding areas that we once forested.
Rewilding areas that we once forested.
We will plant at least 2 native trees around the school grounds.
The project is still in the process of happening. Due to COVID, no students are at the school. The Roots&Shoots advisor and vice-principal purchased trees at lowes. We got 5 red maples and 1 white dogwood. When we purchased the trees, we found out that they were 1/2 off. Using the extra funds, we purchased additional native plants. The trees will be helps in the High School greenhouse until the spring. We hope that students will be back in the spring and all the plants can be planted.
Although this project is still going, I learned that what is native in New Jersey and what can be done to improve our school grounds. When this project is completed, we hope to use the plants as a teaching area as to the benefits of native species.
If we did this project again, I would change the time. I know that COVID was mostly unpredictable, however not having the students able to help out with the initial phase left something out.
I loved that we were able to get more trees/plants because they were 1/2 off!
Buy plants in the fall when they are on sale. If you have a space to keep them during the winter, this may be the best option.