APES First Six Weeks Project

  • Location
    Cedar Park, Texas
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for the project is to bring more attention to recycling at Gholson Park. We often find that a countless number of bottles and cans are thrown away rather than recycled. This is in part because there are no recycle bins available at the park. We want to bring attention to the large amount of bottles and cans that are improperly disposed of. By placing a recycle bin next to the trash at the park, we will allow frequent park goers to become more aware of the existence of the recycle bin so it becomes used more.

Our Plan

Often times we see kids throw away their plastic bottles or aluminum cans into the trash rather than throwing them into the proper recycling bin. We want to make a recycling bins more accessible so they will be more frequently used.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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