Animal Shelter donations

  • Location
    Long Beach, California
  • Status

The Problem

Children will learn about caring for pets responsibly and observe the consequences of people who abandon their pets. They will learn the role of Animal Control in a large city. They will also feel empowered by helping to make toys and/or blankets to be donated to the shelter.

Our Plan

Students will attend a meeting with a guest speaker who brings a dog and discusses responsible pet ownership. At the next meeting students will make either a toy or a fleece blanket to be donated to the animal shelter. A list of other suggested donations will be distributed to the school and collected in the school office. Roots & Shoots students will make a sign to go on the donation collection container. As a culmination, parents will transport students to the animal shelter with their donations.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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