Animal Protective managed by children (Los Pekes)

  • Location
  • Status
  • Project created by Laila

The Problem

- To avoid animal abuse and prevent dog abandon. - To educate people to understand that animals have feelings. -To avoid wild animals be taken as pets. - To educate people to respect and be responsible with animals. - To respect for all forms of life. - To promote children participation in the society. - Involve local authorities in this initiative. - Make the community aware of animal care related issues (especially dogs).

Our Plan

- Preparing and making informative material on this topic. - Talks for schools. - Theatrical plays for children and adults on this topic. - Exchange experiences with other groups (especially those formed by children). - Promote the creation of similar groups at schools and other social organizations.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals
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The Benefit

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