Analysis of food that surrounds us in order to improve our lifestyle.

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The Problem

I wish to analyze packaged as well as street food for analysis of important constituent that makes it healthy or unhealthy. Which would be followed by spreading awareness among college students to improve their lifestyle by eating healthy for a better and healthier future. The location selected is near Amity University and many students live there and as we know in these modern times, the craze of junk food is growing among the students. We aim to cure the problem of the root by letting them know what to eat and what not to eat from the market for a healthier future.

Our Plan

Firstly the project would initiate by analysing the food the surrounds college students. We will do a complete analysis of the constituents present in the food. After that, we will read awareness by organising lectures and workshop on improving lifestyle. This is done for a better future by eliminating obesity and diabetes.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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