American Discovery Trail Improvements by The Mountain Academy

  • Location
    Chipita Park, Colorado
  • Status

The Problem

Along the American Discovery Trail that runs through our small community we are hoping to keep the trail cleaner. There is a long stretch of the trail (about 2 miles) that does not have any trash cans and many there is a lot of dog poop! This is a big concern because several parts of the trail are within just a few feet of Fountain Creek. Our hope is to educate people about the dangers of trash and dog waste to the environment and waterways and provide people with a convenient way to dispose of dog waste and any trash.

Our Plan

For our project we will work with the Green Mountain Falls Trails Committee buy and install at least one bear-proof trash can. We will also create student signs to educate and encourage people to pick up after their dogs. This signs will be installed along the trail. Lastly, we will design and build boxes for dog bags. Here people can repurpose plastic bags and people who do not have a bag with them will have a way to clean up after their dog.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Air Pollution
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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