ALC Pollinator Garden

  • Location
    Dubuque, Iowa
  • Status
  • Age Level
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

Our Alternative Learning Center wants to provide a pollinator garden for native pollinators. We will also have raised gardens to promote healthy eating, provide an opportunity to learn to cook, and to focus on sustainability. Our problem is that the instances of native pollinators lacks--to fix this, we will research the best plants to bring in pollinators and then watch the mutualistic relationships that take place with our garden.

Our Plan

We want to build a campus pollinator garden to attract native pollinators. This garden will have plants that are native to the upper Midwest such as coneflower, dianthus, milkweed, blazing star, daffodil, and more.

Themes Addressed

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    Endangered Species
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The Benefit

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