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The Problem

Agriculture, Food security and its relationship to sustainable development have increasingly become matters of concern for developing countries/communities and for the international community. While there are many complex factors that influence sustainable development and food security, it is clear that education and health in agriculture plays an important role in preparing farmers, researchers, educators, extension staff, members of agri-businesses and others to make productive contributions in their life. A critical issue in my project would be to address the changes and adaptations required in agricultural land use, climate change, tourism and education in order for them to more effectively contribute to improved food security, sustainable agricultural production and rural development.

Our Plan

As above, i will address the key areas in development through agriculture, where health and education are key and will use tourism as way of conservation to earn through natural resources that exist. The first action point of doing this will be through community trainings and awareness, demonstration farms for the conservation programs eg trees and vegetable nursery beds to give seeds to the community and revisit our culture as part of human conservation to restore our lost cultural values. this will involve all stakeholders in the society, civic leaders, government leaders both political and non political, religious leaders from all churches. Lastly the most beneficiaries shall be women and youth who are the most affected.

Themes Addressed

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    Indigenous Rights

The Benefit

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