Affordable, renewable energy in Guam

  • Location
    Yona, Guam
  • Status

The Problem

We wish to build and test small, vertical wind turbines all over the island of Guam to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels for energy. In FY 2017 Guam Power Authority spent an average of $2 million dollars every month for diesel fuel for the island's power plant (approximately 1 million gallons). The main power generators for Guam are 45 years old and need major improvements in order to maintain the electricity needs for the island. They are continually shut down for repairs. Our wish for this project in the short term is to show that Guam's power needs can be supplemented by affordable renewable energy. Our long term wish is for Guam to drastically decrease its dependence on fossil fuels and be a leader in Micronesia toward renewable energy use.

Our Plan

We will build small prototype vertical wind turbines. Based on existing wind data we will choose various locations around the island to test the the power generation potential of the turbine(s). The data will be utilized to determine the plausibility of supplying homes, neighborhoods, or villages with the wind turbine generated power.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Air Pollution
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The Benefit

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