Adopting a wildlife animal

  • Location
    Verona, Wisconsin
  • Status

The Problem

As a class at Once Upon A Time Childcare Center we talked about what Roots & Shoots is and how it is applied in our projects. The children helped to brainstorm ideas for our first project, protecting animals. The children have decided to help protect the wildlife through the Defenders of Wildlife Foundation. We decided to adopt a baby penguin named, Sprinkles! The kids were very determined to help make Sprinkles feel comfortable in our classroom. The Defenders of Wildlife Foundation is a national, nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural environment. With these donations we wish to protect the animals wildlife and wild lands along with reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting clean energy and protecting our adopted animal's, the penguin, natural habitat from being exposed to increased fossil fuel development such as oil drilling in the Arctic.

Our Plan

We raised money through a bake sale and a change jar to adopt a wildlife animal through the Defenders of Wildlife Foundation! In order for us to adopt this penguin we gradually collected change throughout a few weeks and at the end of February we hosted a bake sale to earn the rest of the money that is needed. We decided as a class we wanted to make baked goods and sell them throughout Once Upon A Time. Each wildlife adoption and gift is symbolic and your donation will be used where needed to help protect their wildlife and wild lands. Adopting this wildlife animal will be immediately put toward a great cause! With the money we raise as a classroom, we get our own personalized adoption certificate for Sprinkles, a penguin animal fact sheet, a wildlife activity book, and our own baby penguin to take care of in our classroom!

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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    Pets & Companion Animals
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The Benefit

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