80 Readings for 80 Years

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    United States
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The Problem

As a Council, the National Youth Leadership Council will be honoring Dr. Jane Goodall and her living legacy by reading the book Me...Jane, by Patrick McDonnell, to 80 groups (small or large) of people. We feel that this would not only bring attention to her life's devotion for our planet, but contribute to the development of future passionate, courageous, eco-friendly youth.

Our Plan

Some members of the National Youth Leadership Council will look for opportunities to read to small or large groups.There are so many opportunities to stop and ask fun questions like have you ever seen birds build a nest or a spider build a web? Have you ever wanted to help an animal(s)? Have you ever climbed a tree? .....Once the book reading is complete there is the most special letter from Dr. Jane. The reader will then talk about his or her own journey with the organization/ Dr, Jane as a hero / service work in a simple and fun way. . We hoped to have 80 groups all together before Dr. Jane's birthday(right now we are over our goal and are continuing the project). The book has been read at museums, libraries, hospitals, and classrooms. Small group readings have also been successful by creating family and friend dialogue about Dr. Jane Goodall , her program, and the immense positive mark she has left on this planet.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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