5Th Grade Local Food Challenge

  • Location
    Altadena, California
  • Status

The Problem

We wish to show our community that eating local is good for the environment while supporting local farmers in our community. Students learn about growing their own food and eating it year round, but many of our cooking class supplies must be supplemented due to our large population and the size of our school garden. Students hope to create an impact by lessening their carbon emissions by using foods that are more locally sourced.

Our Plan

Students engage in monthly cooking classes that focus on seasonal and healthy recipes. The 5th graders were eager to reduce their carbon emissions and support local farmers after learning about how they can reduce their impact on the environment. With this grant money, we will supplement our grocery store produce with more local ingredients, calculating the miles saved for each ingredient.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Air Pollution
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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