2nd Day Denim

  • Location
    San Marino, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

Around 450,000,000 pieces of denim end up in landfills each year. The purpose of 2nd Day Denim is to help reduce this number and upcycle the denim in a more eco friendly way.

Our Plan

2nd Day Denim will divert denim pieces from my community that would otherwise go to our landfills. Collecting denim will have a huge environmental impact, by up-cycling and producing environmentally safe insulation to many non-profit affiliates like Habitat of Humanity. I am partnering with Blue Jeans Go Green/Cotton Inc. to start a campaign in my area, which will include a denim drive collecting any denim products. My goal is to collect 1,000 pounds of denim over a 6 month period which is enough pieces to insulate an entire house.

Themes Addressed

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    Zero Waste

The Benefit

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