2015 Hug-A-Bear Project

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

Young children are often involved in stressful situations arising from accidents, fire, crime, etc. Rescue personnel are often left to deal with the children they find at these scenes. Thus, the Monterey Park Police Dept participates in the Hug-A-Bear Project where teddy bears are given to young children found at these stressful situations. The Monterey Park Police Dept has expressed a need for duffle bags to keep stuffed animals in their patrol cars. Ecoharmony, in conjuction with other groups, aim to provide these duffle bags to the police dept.

Our Plan

We aim to raise money to purchase 20 duffle bags and either hand paint a design ourselves, or have them printed on. We aim to ask other organizations whether they would like to donate funds or to join us as contributors to the program.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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