2014 National Moth Week

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

National Moth Week celebrates the beauty, life cycles, and habitats of moths. “Moth-ers” of all ages and abilities are encouraged to learn about, observe, and document moths in their backyards, parks, and neighborhoods. National Moth Week is being held, worldwide, during the last full week of July. The project offers everyone, everywhere a unique opportunity to become a Citizen Scientist and contribute scientific data about moths. Through partnerships with major online biological data depositories, National Moth Week participants can help map moth distribution and provide needed information on other life history aspects around the globe.

Our Plan

Our Roots & Shoots groups coordinates an annual moth night each year. In 2013, we gathered in our backyard. In 2014, we collaborated with the National Park Service and gathered on the beach within the park boundaries. We will continue to take part each year and in doing so increase awareness and appreciation for these nocturnal pollinators.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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