18-03-2P Applying 4H and Scout Knowledge for the Community

  • Location
    Omaha, Nebraska
  • Status

The Problem

18-03-2p Applying 4H and Scout Knowledge for the Community is a Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Nebraska Environmental Trust project where students of 4H and any after school program can do their badges or state exhibits with plants to grow food for the shelters in the area. In this project students will manage raised beds testing water and soil conditions as the plants grow. Climate data is also collected at the site. Students from Sarpy and Douglas counties in Nebraska are invited to work with Explorers 4H and Aquatic Society of Omaha INC on the Special Garden Project growing Okra for their exhibit plus for a local shelter.

Our Plan

Several badges or state projects grow plants with youth that after the plant is done have no further use. With this project the students can use these plants as a service learning project plus provide fresh produce to the shelters. In urban areas their is no place to grow out the plants. With our raise beds we have the space.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
  • term icon
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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